Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The difference, is not race, but religion?

I started dating CG and all is well though what I thought would be a problem, us being of two races, him black and me Filipinio, that it will be that difference that would "do" us in. Little did I know that it is religion that will get us. Isn't religion suppose to bring people together? I guess if I looked at the past, religion have been the root of many battles and it's very least between couples. There lies the remains of the wounded behind skirmishes, big and small. I'm just the latest casualty, I suppose.

I'm hurt. Partly my fault for thinking that we will be able to work on things together even if deep down I knew that there was no compromise. But I also blame him for not being strong enough to follow-through the first break-up moment a week ago. I guess I would really not be this mad if it ended then. But when he came by the next day, the act made me hopeful. I guess I was too hopeful that two devout people, me catholic, him methodist to work things through. I feel like I would have been able to work on it, the difference I mean --finding a common ground. But he wasn't. It wouldn't be fair if I put all the blame on him. I believed we both believed in the illusion that we both projected.

Am I sorry that we met? No
Am I sorry that I cared for him? No
Am I sorry that it ended? Yes

If only we could have gotten past it, it would have been great. I guess it's not meant to be. My cousin Maricar is right. This will just make me stronger. 'Til that moment though, I'm gonna cry about it. I'm allowed a moment of that at least.

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