Monday, October 05, 2009

...ode to dad

It is 11:08pm and I've been laying in bed awake since 10:10pm. It wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't intending to wake-up at 6 to try and go for a run. Another problem is that when I'm wide awake in bed with nothing to do, I end up thinking. Tonight, as with many nights I lie awake, I think of my and my loved one's mortality. .ostly I think of mine. But tonight, I thought of my father's.

Dad and I didn't really get along for a long time. We are both stubborn and hard headed and we often clashed. I then thought about his life. A former military man from the Philippines, a pilot, and business man. As we migrated here to the US, he had to take whatever job he can get to support his family. He ended up in odd jobs, and found himself in retail. He had to do it all, fold clothes, clean toilets. For a proud educated man, he has sacrificed a lot. I did not appreciate that when I was young until now. I owe him a lot and thank him for many thankless years he has supported me.

He is not perfect and neither are you and me but he selflessly provided what he can for his family. Thank you for everything, I may not show it often or quite outwardly (just like you dad), but I do love you.

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